What is C3 Diamond Floor?

C3 Diamond Floor has led the floor polishing industry with pioneering advancements and concrete treatments that are being used within the commercial and industrial market sectors.

The systematic approach we use for concrete polishing has changed the way concrete is placed, finished, cured, and maintained. Treatments produce harder, denser surfaces while reducing maintenance costs and extending life expectancy.

By documenting the surface texture of the C3 Diamond Floor we are able to provide a scientific approach that produces a fully refined floor that creates repeatable and quantifiable results resulting in longer lasting floors.

The treatments utilized in C3 Diamond Floors are Eco-Friendly and compliant with all national and state VOC standards.

Benefits of C3 Diamon Floors

  • Superior hardness increases life expectancy
  • Higher abrasion resistance that reduces surface wear
  • Optimum protection against absorption of water, salts, oils & other contaminants
  • Dust proof & Non-marking Flatter, more level surfaces
  • Produces a refined surface with a highly reflective gloss
  • Cost-effective
  • Reduces project down time & maintenance costs
  • Meets or exceeds OSHA slip coefficient standards
  • GREEN - v is naturally sustainable & can contribute LEED credits

Advanced Engineered Treatments at the Nanoscale

Our formulas are designed utilizing reactive colloidal nano silica chemistry, the smallest size possible, resulting in deeper penetration that continues densifying concrete substrates over time therefore creating harder, longer lasting, and lower maintenance floors.


ANSWER: We utilize a systematic, multifaceted scientific approach in quantifying the geometric irregularities of a mechanically refined floor at various levels, producing results that describe the exact means and methods. This approach allows us to meet and exceed the architects or owners expectations for the finished floors they’ve asked for in the first place.

Finishing Options

The Grade of the floor represents the amount of aggregate that will be exposed at the surface. The higher the Grade, the greater the amount of aggregate will be showing.

Gloss Class Levels

The Class of the floor represents the amount of reflectivity or shine that will be visible at the surface. The higher the Class, the greater the amount of reflectivity or shine.

Level 4: Highly Polished

Images of objects being reflected have a sharp and crisp appearance as would be seen in a near mirror-like surface.