Tips for Installing Radiant Heated Floors
Tips for Installing Radiant Heated Floors

Previously we have blogged about the steps of radiant heat installation, but today we will discuss some tips about installing radiant heated floors rather than how to actually install them. Typically a certified professional should install radiant heat elements instead of a concrete contractor unless the contractor is experienced in installing radiant heat elements, due to the complexity of the design and layout of radiant heated floors.

Concrete Furniture
Concrete Furniture

When one pictures concrete furniture, they may picture the Flintstones home. Well we’re here to tell you that concrete furniture is a thing and we think it’s wonderful. Concrete furniture can be anything from a dining room table to a bench or a book case. The options are vast!

Collecting Dust When Polishing Concrete
Collecting Dust When Polishing Concrete

Concrete floors can be polished using two methods, dry or wet. Dry polishing has become the popular trend today. The dry polishing method is faster, more convenient, and it doesn’t create a slurry of a mess like wet polishing does. The downfall is that dry polishing creates a ton of dust. With all of the dust, dust control equipment is essential and mandatory to prevent dust from going airborne.

Concrete Countertops Embedded with Glass
Concrete Countertops Embedded with Glass

We’ve talked about doing interior countertops before, so we thought it would be fun to talk about a fun way to do exterior countertops this time. What more of a fun way to decorate outdoor countertops than by adding glass chips? Pieces of glass can be embedded into the countertops to create a unique piece.

Alternative For Raising Sunken Concrete
Alternative For Raising Sunken Concrete

While doing some research on slabjacking we found that there is a new alternative to raise sunken concrete. While traditional slabjacking, also known as mudjacking, has been utilized for decades, there is now a less labor intensive way to raise sunken concrete.