When you’re looking at floors for your garage, you need to find the perfect option that will save you money, time and headaches. The last thing you want is to install a floor and need to repair it or reinstall it in a year or two.
You could think about leaving your floors bare, but it will put them in danger. Exposed concrete floors can crack under pressure and certain elements. If the snow gets into your garage floors and there are cracks, it can cause the concrete to expand and break even more. That’s why it’s important to seal your concrete floors, utilizing custom concrete creations epoxy finish is ideal.
What is epoxy?
Epoxy sealers are films that are added on a concrete surface that will become hard after it dries and create protective a barrier between the concrete and the elements. Depending on the kind of epoxy sealer you choose the end look of the floor will be different. The best thing about epoxy sealers is they are made for adding long-wear to floors with an abrasion-resistant finish.
Epoxy floors are perfect for both residential and commercial garages. However, there is one disadvantages of epoxy flooring and that is it can make the floor slippery. Almost all of the epoxy floors are skid resistant. If the floors are covered with oil spills or another liquid, it could result in people slipping. It’s recommend to clean and wipe spills when they occur.
The benefits of epoxy floors for garages.
Epoxy makes floors durable.
Epoxy isn’t just added to floors to make them look shiny like a new penny. They also provide the perfect durability for a home garage all the way to an auto shop. When the epoxy dries, it creates a hard surface that will protect your floors from any spillage or scratches. You don’t have to worry about dropping a tool and having the floor crack.
Epoxy makes floors moisture resistance.
One thing to consider is your car will come and go all year around. The elements that your car brings inside your garage can damage your floors. The water from rain days can cause your concrete to break if it’s left bare. Epoxy creates a barrier of against moisture. Water won’t be able to make its way into the cracks and cause it to crack or crumble.
Epoxy makes concrete stain resistant.
Is your garage really a garage if there aren't any oil spills? Probably not. Oil spills are unpredictable. Epoxy floors were made to clean spills easily. You can wipe the materials off with a towel wipe or mop. The epoxy finish prevents the spillage from penetrating the concrete and leaving a stain.
Give your garage floors the protection they’ll need throughout the years. Contact us to get started on creating the garage of your dreams and never have to worry about stains again! At Custom Concrete Creations, we offer a variety of epoxy sealer that include our C3 Metallic Floor designed especially designed for garages.