Polished Concrete Floors in the Kiewit Luminarium

Custom Concrete Creations got to be a part of something new, innovative and unique to the Omaha area. As you immerse yourself in the interactive exhibits of the Kiewit Lumuniarum, you’ll be standing on top of more than 50,000 square feet of polished concrete, a project our team recently completed. The Kiewit Luminarium opens this April, and it is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can explore science, art and other human perceptions.

Why polished concrete floors?

Polished concrete floors are a wonderful addition to this space. The Luminarium is expected to see lots of foot traffic once they open their doors, and polished concrete is strong, durable and can withstand all the people who will come explore. Polished concrete also fits the aesthetics of this artistic environment. The glossy finish highlights the space but doesn’t take away from the exhibits. When people enter the building, they’re sure to be astonished by the looks of it.

Since the base of the Luminarium is science, it’s important to have an energy-efficient flooring. Polished concrete floors are light, heat-reflective and retain cool temperatures, which can save energy and reduce energy costs. Natural light coming through the windows of the Luminarium will be reflected off the floor to help light the space. In the winter, you can keep the building warm with less heat. In the summer, you can keep air conditioning to a minimum.

Cost-effectiveness also comes into play when choosing flooring to cover such a large area. Polished concrete is cheaper when compared to other flooring materials. Another perk is they are low maintenance. You can sweep them daily to remove any dust, and they can be cleaned with warm, soapy water and a mop monthly to prolong their lifetime. These floors last a long time when taken care of.

A bit about the Luminarium

The Kiewit Luminarium will have more than 100 hands-on exhibits. From multisensory experiences to collaborative games and creating chain reactions, the Luminarium has something for everyone. It’s not just for STEM lovers, anyone can be inspired. This area will show you the beauty of the world around you, as well as influence curiosity. As you delve into the exhibits, staff members called Luminators are there to engage, connect and answer any questions. The creators really care about creating an inclusive environment, and it’s definitely worth checking out.

Contact us

If you have any questions or want to talk more about this project, feel free to reach out! We’re super excited to be a part of this and are open to discussing it in deeper detail. If you have an upcoming project and you’re interested in installing polished concrete, we’d also love to help out. We’ve seen the benefits of polished concrete for the Kiewit Luminarium, and we are excitedly awaiting its opening to the public!
