Who doesn’t like shiny things?! We couldn’t think of anyone either. Well, now you can have your very own shiny metallic floors! We’ll let you in on a little secret…. Metallic finishing of concrete floors has actually been around for a while, it was initially popular in the 90’s, but was sort of phased out due to the very limited color options. Today there are many more color options and techniques used with metallic epoxies making it once again a popular option for finishing concrete floors in both residential homes and commercial buildings. There are a lot of pro’s as well when it comes to this time of flooring. It is affordable, long lasting, low maintenance, and eye appealing. And an added bonus is that metallic epoxies can make your floors the focal point of your room as well as a fun conversation topic.
Metallic epoxy finishing is commonly found in lobby areas, restaurants, offices, hotels, retail stores, and salons. They are also becoming more popular in homes. It is not recommended to use metallic epoxies in outdoor areas because they tend to discolor after an extended period of time in direct sunlight. It is a great option for indoor areas and withstands high traffic because of its durability and wear resistance. A protective top coat will further extend the life of the metallic floors as well as protect against scratching and abrasions. A hard wax can also be applied every few months to help maintain the floors if they are subject to heavy foot traffic.
Different visual effects can be achieved with metallic epoxies. After the epoxy is applied to the floor, different kinds of solvents can be added to move around and diffuse the metallic pigments of the epoxy. Doing this can create the appearance of a melted molten or plasma type of effect, or even a flowing water type of appearance can be achieved. Some products available are even designed to work with compressed or forced air to produce visual effects such as rippling water, waves rolling, or moon craters. Multiple tone effects can be achieved by adding separate layers at the time of application as well.
There are numerous color options available and many techniques used to give the floors unique designs. Custom Concrete Creations has 50+ color options and combinations available to customize your concrete finishing needs. Whether you’re looking to finish a business office or the garage in your home, metallic floors can add stunning style to any room. Give us a call or send us an email for your metallic floor needs today!!